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Book Signing Events

As a book lover, I’m sure that you’re already totally in the know about book signing events, right? You know, that huge room, packed full of your favourite authors, where you can get your Fan-girl on, take books and other items for them to sign, chat and have your photo taken with them? Even I get giddy when I’m signing myself and one of my favourite authors is in the room with me! So, if a day at an event filled with other book lovers sounds your cup of tea, it would be great to meet you at one. 


Getting Your Book Signed

You can place a pre-order for any of my books, which will come in a personalised goody bag and contain book related swag. This is usually cheaper than you buying a book from a retailer and bringing it with you. It's also the best way to ensure you'll get a copy of the book that you want, as it's impossible for me to lug tonnes of copies of each of my books to an event with me - especially if I'm signing overseas. The link is provided for you below, just before the events I'm signing at.

Other Items To Be Signed

Trust me, when it comes to the things readers bring for us to sign, very little surprises us. I’ve signed eReader cases, tote bags, T-shirts, postcards, autograph books, bookmarks, pictures, scrapbooks, canvases, and even someone’s chest! 


Cover Models

 Ok, so normally I wouldn’t advocate objectifying another person, but this is the book world after all, so naturally we’re all partial to a good fantasy from time to time. At most book signings you get to have your cake and eat it, well not literally, I’m sure you’d be issued with a restraining order. But these events are often frequented by the drool-worthy models that appear on many book covers. And yes, you can get a hug and a photo with them too. Of course bring your protective clothing as I’ll be elbowing you out of the way to get to them first, there has to be an extra perk to this author gig after all!



So, after all of that information, will I be seeing you at one of these events? I sure hope so - in all honesty there’s no greater feeling for an author than meeting the readers of their books. It’s more exciting for us than it is for you, as you’re what makes doing our job so worthwhile. Fingers crossed I get to meet you soon.

Pre-Order Links for Signed Books

Click here for the UK Pre-Order Form Link


Authors Behind Bars 2024

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